
目前显示的是 二月, 2024的博文

The Difference Between "Giant Pandas" and "Red Pandas"

  The red panda is currently only distributed in the Himalayan Hengduan Mountains region, including China, Myanmar, Bhutan, India, and Nepal, and is a flagship species on the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. Today we will talk about the differences between them. Red pandas, like giant pandas, are highly specialized carnivorous animals that rely on vegetarianism as their absolute staple food. They share certain characteristics with giant pandas, but also possess their own unique charm and appearance. The red panda has a body length of about 80 to 120 centimeters and an average weight of only about 5 kilograms. Its tail is about 30 to 50 centimeters thick and long, like a wolf's tail. Its tail hair is also adorned with 9 red brown and yellow white alternating rings, earning it a unique nickname - "Nine legged Wolf". Compared to the "black and white version" of the giant panda, the red panda is a true "color version". Its face is short, almost circular, and small a

Panda Hua Hua was locked up outside on New Year's Eve!

On February 22nd, Chengdu, Sichuan, on New Year's Eve, the giant panda Hua Hua was forgotten in the outfield. It was only after enthusiastic netizens discovered her that Huahua was brought back to the infield. That night, Grandpa Tan, who is pandas' keeper from Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base , was attending the CCTV Spring Festival Gala with Hua Hua's "stunt double" doll on site. The on duty caretaker had been terminated from his labor contract, and Hua Hua's physical condition was normal. It is reported that the on duty caretaker has been terminated from his labor contract, and Hua Hua's physical condition is normal. Although New Year's Eve is an important holiday for all Chinese people, and families gather together to have a New Year's Eve dinner, as the on duty keeper in a hurry to return home, our job must be done well! This dismissal result is understandable. See more at Chuan-X Panda

Why can't giant pandas be fed freely?

Recently, the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base reported uncivilized behavior. During the Chinese New Year holiday, a man named Gao threw objects at the panda activity area and was permanently banned from visiting the base. The Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base reminds that there are strict standards for the diet of national treasures, and unauthorized feeding may cause harm to giant pandas. Please strive to be a civilized visitor during the visit, avoiding feeding, throwing objects, splashing water, or smashing glass. Why can't you feed it casually? What are the dietary requirements for giant pandas? Experts say that all food for giant pandas must undergo safety checks, with strict requirements for food sources, daily intake, and nutritional ratios. Tourists feeding food indiscriminately may have an impact on the health of giant pandas. If the food brought by tourists, such as bamboo shoots and bread, carries pathogenic microorganisms, it may cause giant pandas t

Hua Hua is the smallest audience of the 2024 Spring Festival Gala

  On the stage of the Spring Festival Gala, Hua Hua is not only a small panda plush, but also represents the innocent dreams and hopes of countless children. On the stage of the 2024 Dragon Year Spring Festival Gala, t his three-year-old panda  "Hua Hua" from Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base has once again appeared on television! In the opening program of the Spring Festival Gala, Grandpa Tan(Huahua's keeper) appeared with a "Huahua" panda bear plush and, together with the production team of  Blossom Shanghai  paid New Year's greetings to the audience; When magician Liu Qian performed magic, Grandpa Tan and the "Huahua" plush doll were right behind him, witnessing the "miracle" with their own eyes. In singer Zhou Shen's subsequent performance "Healthy to the End", the digital panda designed based on the "HuaHua" shape even showcased its skills on the Spring Festival Gala stage, dancing with Zhou Shen in t

Cute giant panda Mangzi gave birth to a baby panda

  It is heard that everyone is wondering where did the chubby gentle panda, with "Beauty of Cave"——Mangzi go? During this time, "Mangzi" was not idle. In addition to eating and sleeping, it became a top priority. "Mangzi" Panda successfully gave birth to Baby Panda This full moon baby was born at 14:12 on July 6, 2023, and is a male baby. Don't look at it just a soft and glutinous baby's first babies reached 191g, the heaviest panda individual born in Chongqing Zoo. Of course, the mother's most hard -born birth is the mother's "Mangzi". The baby has been nurtured by the "Mangzi" in the delivery room since birth. The dads only made appropriate artificial assistance in the early stage. The newborn panda baby is very small, and there is almost no hair. It will only make a "squeak" cry. Under the careful care of the mother's "Mangzi", the baby is in a good condition. At present, the weight has reached

How big is a newborn panda bear?

  Giant pandas are huge. In the wild, adult pandas weigh 80-100 kilograms. In captivity, adult pandas weigh 80-130 kilograms. The largest ones can grow up to 180 kilograms. They look like round, black and white balls. But panda babies are very small when they are born, with an average weight of only about 100 grams. The smallest panda baby born before was 42.8 grams. On July 11, 2019, giant panda "Chengda" was born at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base. For twin sisters, the older sister weighed 171.9 grams at birth, and the younger sister weighed 42.8 grams at birth. This is smaller than the panda cub "Wu Yi" (51 grams) born in 2006, whose weight has already exceeded 130 kilograms after the breeders' careful care. Even the normal weight of a panda baby at birth is about 100 grams, which is pitifully small. The weight comparison between a newborn giant panda cub and its mother reaches an astonishing 1/900, which is very exaggerated among mammals. The

The ferocious Ailuropoda baconi - ancestor of the giant panda

  Giant pandas are the cutest animals in the world, with their black and white fur, round faces, and docile personalities. They mainly eat bamboo and occasionally some small animals. Their weight is generally between 80-125 kilograms, which is equivalent to the weight of an adult. But, 750,000 years ago, there was an ancestor of the giant panda. They were larger than today's giant pandas and had ferocious temperaments. They were the overlords of the forest and could eat all kinds of animals. They could even compete with tigers and lions. They are the Ailuropoda baconi. This animal is extinct, but we can learn about their life through fossils. Let's explore the amazing secrets of this super giant panda! 1. How big is Ailuropoda baconi? Ailuropoda baconi is the largest panda ancestor on record. Their weight is about 100-150 kilograms, which is much larger than today's giant pandas. If you stand in front of them, you may feel very scared because they can reach 1.5 meters in he

The retirement life of giant pandas: food, diseases and surprises

  Humans will grow old, and giant pandas are no exception. In captivity, the average lifespan of giant pandas is about 25 years, which is equivalent to about 90 years for humans. By the age of 20, they have entered the old age stage. So, how do elderly giant pandas spend their old age? First of all, the food of elderly giant pandas needs to be adjusted according to their physical condition.  Generally speaking, they need small and frequent meals every day, first eating bamboo with crude fiber, and then fine feed, fruits and vegetables. For elderly giant pandas with bad or missing teeth, breeders will chop bamboo leaves into pieces, mix them with other food into salads, and put them in a basin for them to eat. For elderly giant pandas whose digestive function has declined, breeders will use liquid feed instead of steamed buns, and add some easily absorbed nutrients, such as amino acids, to ensure that they can consume sufficient and balanced nutrition every day. Secondly, special attent

Why do pandas like to eat bamboo?

  The giant panda is Chinese national treasure. It has a naive image and is very popular among people. An adult giant panda eats 50 to 60 pounds of bamboo every day. Giant pandas love to eat bamboo. In the process of their evolution, in order to adapt to changes in the environment, they have changed their eating habits. By eating bamboo, the giant panda species has been preserved. The personality of giant pandas is very docile. They spend nearly half of their time sleeping and the remaining half of their time eating. Pandas like to eat bamboo, which is influenced by the evolution of the species. More than 18,000 years ago, giant pandas were still meat-eating animals. But later, with the evolution of the species, the living environment of giant pandas also underwent earth-shaking changes. There is less and less edible food on the earth. In order not to starve to death, giant pandas can only choose to eat bamboo scattered everywhere. In the process of long-term adaptation to the environm

How much does a giant panda cost?

  To raise giant pandas, you first need "start-up capital." The giant pandas on the earth are concentrated in China, and if zoos in other countries want to own them, they need to rent them from China: generally, the minimum rent is a pair, the lease period is 10 years, and the annual rent for each giant panda is generally 1 million U.S. dollars (1 dollar=Approximately 7 CNY). If a giant panda gives birth to cubs, it will have to pay China an additional $500,000 for each cub. Paying rent is not enough, you also have to "buy a house" for the giant panda.  For example, the giant panda pavilion of Nanjing Hongshan Forest Zoo, which has been rated as an excellent example in China, covers an area of about 3,000 square meters. The inner exhibition hall adopts a central air-conditioning system and has pools and long running water for pandas to bathe and drink. There are also pools and water in the external exhibition area. Use Wusen to cool down and moisturize. In 2014, the

Learn About Red Panda

  The Red Panda, also known as the red panda, Firefox or red raccoon, is a charming small mammal. They are loved for their cute appearance and unique lifestyle. Let’s get to know these charming red pandas together. The red panda has a very unique appearance.  They usually have thick reddish-brown hair, especially on the back and sides, while the belly is lighter in color. Red pandas have round and wide faces, black eyes with obvious white circles around them, making them look even cuter. In addition, their tails are long and dense, giving them good balance. Red pandas are mainly found in forested areas in the Himalayas and surrounding areas, including Nepal, India, Bhutan and southwest China.  They tend to live in coniferous and evergreen broadleaf forests at higher altitudes, which provide suitable habitats and abundant bamboo resources. Bamboo is the main food source of red pandas, accounting for more than 90% of their diet.  They also eat other plants, fruits, insects, bird eggs, an

What do red pandas eat?

  Red pandas like to eat bamboo shoots, twigs and leaves of arrow bamboo, wild fruits, leaves, moss, small birds, bird eggs and other small animals and insects. They especially like to eat sweet food. The red panda has a fat body and thick long hair. The body length is 40~63 cm, the tail length is more than half of the body length, and the weight is generally about 5 kg. Red pandas like to eat bamboo shoots, twigs and leaves, various wild fruits, leaves, moss, and also prey on small birds or bird eggs and other small animals and insects. They especially like sweet food. Pandas' chewing power is one of the best in the animal kingdom. They can peel bamboo themselves and then eat it. Red pandas are adapted to being omnivorous and feed mainly on plants. It eats mostly young leaves and fruits, and sometimes preys on small birds and eggs. It feeds on bamboo leaves, bamboo shoots, leaves, fruits, small birds, and bird eggs. They sleep at noon and night, forage in the morning and evening,

Why do pandas choose bamboo as their main food?

The reason why pandas choose bamboo as their main food is due to the comprehensive influence of multiple factors, including bamboo's availability, nutritional value, biological characteristics and adaptability. Availability:  Bamboos are widely distributed in panda habitats, and they are one of the important plant resources that pandas can easily obtain. Bamboo grows rapidly and is widely distributed in mountainous and forested areas, providing an abundant food supply. Bamboo is easier to grow and reproduce than other plants, providing a rich food source for pandas. Nutritional value:  Although bamboo is relatively simple in terms of nutritional composition, it is a suitable food for pandas. Bamboo is rich in fiber and is an adaptation for the panda's digestive system. The panda's digestive system is more similar to that of a herbivore than a carnivore, but its digestive tract is not healthy enough to fully digest typical plant material. The fiber structure and composition

Are pandas in danger?

  Giant pandas currently face some potential threats and dangers. Here are some of the main issues: 1. Habitat loss and fragmentation: Giant pandas are facing loss and fragmentation of their habitat, mainly due to deforestation, agricultural expansion and infrastructure construction. This has led to habitat reduction and fragmentation, making migration and breeding more difficult for giant pandas. 2. Abundance of bamboo: Giant pandas mainly feed on bamboo, but bamboo in some areas may face a decrease, possibly due to climate change, bamboo flowering and fruiting cycles and other reasons. This may pose a threat to the food source of giant pandas. 3. Reproduction issues: Giant panda reproduction is challenging and the reproduction rate is low. Problems plaguing giant panda breeding include difficulty in mating, the short breeding season and the survival rate of cubs. 4. Disease: Giant pandas are susceptible to viruses, parasites and other diseases. These diseases can pose a threat to the

What kind of bamboo do pandas like to eat?

  As herbivores, bamboo is the panda's main food source. However, not all bamboo is suitable for the panda's digestive system. Next, I will introduce to you several bamboos that pandas often eat and their characteristics. 1️⃣Fargesia spathacea Franch. Fargesia spathacea Franch. is one of the favorite foods of pandas and is mainly distributed in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou regions of China. This kind of bamboo grows quickly, is easy to propagate, and is highly adaptable. Its bamboo shoots and leaves are panda delicacies. The fiber of Fargesia spathacea Franch. is thicker and rich in nutrients, which helps the panda's digestion and absorption. 2️⃣Phyllostachys glauca McClure Phyllostachys glauca McClure is distributed in North China, East China and Northwest China, and is a common ornamental bamboo. Its bamboo shoots have a light flavor and refreshing taste, which is suitable for the taste of pandas. Phyllostachys glauca McClure has finer fiber and is gentler on the panda'

Are grizzly bears dangerous? What to do if you encounter a grizzly bear in the wild

  Bear is a type of mammal in the family Ursidae. There are currently 5 genera and 8 species, including the subfamily Panda and the subfamily Ursinae: Panda subfamily: Panda (giant panda); Urs subfamily: Spectacled bear (spectacled bear), Ursus Genus (Brown Bear, American Black Bear, Asiatic Black Bear, Polar Bear), Sloth Bear (Sloth Bear), Sun Bear (Sun Bear). Among these bears, the largest is the polar bear, which is carnivorous, followed by the brown bear. Brown bears are divided into several subspecies, and the grizzly bear is one of them, and it is the largest of all subspecies. Brown bears that live in North America are called grizzly bears because their fur looks silver or gray. According to statistics, an adult grizzly bear can weigh up to 450 kilograms, stand 2.5 meters tall, and in rare cases can grow to 700 kilograms. In front of humans, it is definitely a behemoth opponent. The grizzly bear looks bulky, but at critical moments, it can run as fast as 50 kilometers per hour.

10 things to know about grizzly bears

  The giant brown-haired grizzly bear is a predator known as one of nature's most powerful killing machines. Measuring 8 feet long from nose to tail and weighing up to 800 pounds, these ferocious animals have fascinated and horrified humans for centuries. Here are 10 little things about grizzly bears to learn more about them! 1. Grizzly bears are actually pretty light eaters. Grizzly bears—a subspecies of brown bears native to North America—are strong enough to make a meal of anything they like, including moose, elk, and bison. Although they are known for eating only meat, their diet also includes nuts, berries, fruits, and leaves. They will even eat rats. Overeating until they begin to exhibit hyperphagia, a stage in preparation for winter hibernation, eats enough food to gain three pounds per day. 2. Grizzlies use CPR to get to your food. More than 700 grizzly bears live in or near Yellowstone National Park, forcing officials to constantly monitor how park visitors and bears peac