
目前显示的是 九月, 2024的博文

How to respond to panda attacks?

On September 19th, 2024, at Chongqing Zoo, China, a staff member was chased and fell to the ground by the panda Ding Ding, and then shouted for help to break free. This matter has attracted attention on the Internet. According to online videos, with the screams of tourists, a panda chased after the keeper and then tackled him, making head shaking and biting movements. The keeper shouted loudly and then broke free and left. Faced with tourists screaming, some onlookers were shouting, 'Don't scream'. Panda Ding Ding is attacking the keeper. Although pandas are herbivores that primarily feed on bamboo, they were once carnivores and have a large body size. They defend against attacks, so if you encounter pandas in the wild, please do not confront them head-on to avoid greater conflict and danger. So how should we respond to panda attacks? Firstly, stay calm! Please don't disturb it, don't scream and scare it! Secondly, maintain a stable mindset! Please do not use aggres

Urgent: Wolong Shenshuping Base Has Been Closed

 According to the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center, in the early morning of September 16, 2024, heavy rainstorm occurred in Wolong, Wenchuan, Sichuan, triggering debris flow disasters, resulting in the interruption of roads from Yingxiu to Gengda Town and Wolong Town. At present, personnel and giant pandas at the Wolong Shenshuping and Walnut Ping bases of the Panda Center are safe. Some roads in the Shenshuping Base Park have been blocked by the Lijiagou mudslide, and the Shenshuping Base has been closed. Tourists who are planning to visit the Wolong Shenshuping Panda Base in Sichuan in the near future, please pay attention to the opening time of the Panda Base. You may like: Wolong Chinese Giant Panda Shenshuping Base.

How to count panda popluation?

Today, we will introduce three methods for estimating the population of pandas. The giant panda is a unique "national treasure" level animal in China. In order to timely understand the population size, habitat area, and living conditions of pandas in the wild, China began organizing a national field survey of giant pandas in the 1970s. Giant pandas are surveyed in the wild approximately once every 10 years. In order to obtain more accurate data, Chinese researchers have tried different research methods. Panda Xi Lan 1. Estimate based on a certain area Two giant panda surveys were conducted in 1974-1977 and 1988. At that time, researchers first selected a certain area as the survey range and searched along a certain route within that range. They estimated the approximate number of giant pandas in the area using mathematical formulas based on the information they found along the way, such as the number of giant pandas and the area. They can infer the situation of the entire pro