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Paul Coelho, hailed as the "only Latin American writer who can rival Marquez and has the most readers," describes the philosophy of living in the present through the words of the camel driver in his work "The Magical Journey of the Shepherd Boy" (originally titled "The Alchemist"): Because I neither live in the past nor in the future, I only have the present, which is what I am interested in. If you can stay forever in the present, then you will be the happiest person. You will find life in the desert, stars in the sky, and soldiers fighting because war is a part of human life. Life is a festival, a grand celebration. Because life is always, and only now is we At this moment of experience. "

Wen Jing: Good morning, this is Wen Jing.

Beichen: Good morning, this is Bei Chen.

There is no need to regret the past or worry about the future, life is right here and right now. The giant pandas Bei Chen and Wen Jing deeply understand this simple truth: climbing to the top has become a memory. One day, they will slowly descend from the tree and return to the earth, which will eventually become a memory. At this moment, on a high perch, life for them means the cool breeze in the forest, the rich fragrance of golden osmanthus, and the trust of two good friends cuddling and supporting each other.



Panda Yang Yang's Health

Good wishes from the Grade 2023 "Cute dumplings" of Chengdu Panda Base