
目前显示的是 三月, 2024的博文

"Shock" Pandas and Retrieve Sperm to Reproduce Panda?

    Is it true that Chinese panda bases use "electric shock sperm retrieval", "electric shock egg retrieval", and "anesthesia free artificial insemination" to breed pandas, as rumored on the internet?     In fact, pandas are a national treasure of China, and we will not increase their breeding rate by harming them. Next, according to the latest science popularization announcement from Chengdu Panda Base, our Chuan-X Panda has been processed, organized, and translated to reveal the truth to everyone. Why do we need to collect sperm? Why do we need to carry out artificial insemination? Why is it difficult for captive pandas to mate naturally? Will sperm collection cause significant trauma to the body of pandas? 1. Why do we need to collect sperm?     According to research data, natural mating is the best way for pandas to successfully conceive, but the proportion of captive pandas who can complete natural mating is very low. Researchers speculate that this m

Do Pandas Have Tails?

In fact, giant pandas have tails, and the color and thickness of their tails vary greatly from small to large. Changes in Panda Tail The newborn giant panda is pink in color, resembling a small mouse in appearance and size. Its tail is slender and has sparse white fur on its surface. At this point, its small body can highlight the presence of its tail, which can reach a length of 1/4 of its body length. About a month after birth, the panda cub has grown into a crawling black and white ball, and its tail has grown thick white hair. At first glance, it blends seamlessly with its round body. As they age, the length of their tails is limited compared to their body, but their width increases. The slender tails gradually transform into wide, flat, and short tails (anus curtains). Compared to their large bodies, tails less than 1/10 of their body length are quite inconspicuous, leading to their often overlooked existence. Useful Short Panda Tail Although pandas usually have their tails hangin