"Shock" Pandas and Retrieve Sperm to Reproduce Panda?

    Is it true that Chinese panda bases use "electric shock sperm retrieval", "electric shock egg retrieval", and "anesthesia free artificial insemination" to breed pandas, as rumored on the internet?

    In fact, pandas are a national treasure of China, and we will not increase their breeding rate by harming them. Next, according to the latest science popularization announcement from Chengdu Panda Base, our Chuan-X Panda has been processed, organized, and translated to reveal the truth to everyone. Why do we need to collect sperm? Why do we need to carry out artificial insemination? Why is it difficult for captive pandas to mate naturally? Will sperm collection cause significant trauma to the body of pandas?

1. Why do we need to collect sperm?

    According to research data, natural mating is the best way for pandas to successfully conceive, but the proportion of captive pandas who can complete natural mating is very low. Researchers speculate that this may be related to factors such as a lack of mating opportunities for captive male giant pandas, poor communication between estrus females and estrus males, and a short natural mating time (only a few hours). At the same time, pandas have strong autonomous mate selection and external aggression. If they "don't like" each other or miss the best mating time, simply placing male panda and female panda in one room for natural mating may lead to fighting and injury or even disability between male and female pandas!

    Professor Hu Jinchu once counted the breeding situation of over 200 captive pandas, of which only 8 male pandas have natural mating ability, accounting for only 8% of the total number of captive male pandas!

    Therefore, in recent years, domestic and foreign panda breeding institutions have taken measures to enhance the natural mating ability of captive pandas, including extending the weaning time of panda cubs, providing more learning opportunities for sub adult pandas, providing more opportunities for adult pandas to have more contact, and seizing the timing of natural mating.

    However, after taking the above measures, only 30% -40% of captive male pandas can engage in natural mating. For pandas that cannot complete natural mating, artificial insemination technology can only be used for reproduction. Otherwise, these pandas will have difficulty obtaining offspring and their individual genes cannot be inherited.

    So, bases or zoos that raise pandas in captivity will prioritize natural mating of pandas, and only assist in artificial insemination in the event of natural reproduction failure to increase panda reproduction rates.

2. How to artificially collect sperm?

    Electric shock is a condition in which a certain amount of current passes through a human body or animal, causing varying degrees of tissue damage, organ dysfunction, or sudden biological death. If electric shock is used on pandas, they may be injured or die before sperm can be collected.

    Electrical stimulation is the use of a small amount of voltage within a safe range of voltage that animals can come into contact with for a short period of time, without causing tissue or organ damage, nor sudden death.

    The voltage used for sperm collection in pandas is approximately 5 volts, which is much lower than the safe voltage of 36 volts for the human body, and even lower than the voltage used for electrical stimulation of sperm collection in other animals, completely within the safe range! Experiments have shown that there is no induction in humans for electrical stimulation with a voltage of 5 volts.

    Therefore, "electric stimulation" for sperm collection is not "electric shock" for sperm collection!

3. Development of Electric Stimulation for Collecting Panda Sperm Technology

    i. The first stage (1978-late 1990s)

    The panda electric stimulation sperm collection technology was first established by Beijing Zoo in 1978. At that time, Chinese domestically produced electric stimulation sperm collection equipment suitable for zoos was used, but its sperm collection efficiency was low and there were certain side effects.

    Ii. Second stage (late 1990s to 2005)

    Since the late 1990s, China has introduced the American wild animal electrical stimulation sperm collection technology, using the American electrical stimulation sperm collection device. This technology optimizes the electrical stimulation sperm collection program, reduces the electrical stimulation intensity to 2-6 volts, improves sperm collection efficiency while improving safety, but there are still some individuals who find it difficult to collect semen. At present, most pandas that cannot successfully mate naturally use this conventional electrical stimulation sperm retrieval technique to breed pandas.

    Iii. Third stage (since 2005)

    For some pandas who cannot collect semen using conventional "electrical stimulation sperm collection" technology, the panda base implements rectal massage in addition to conventional electrical stimulation sperm collection technology. Therefore, without increasing the intensity of electrical stimulation, the efficiency of sperm collection has been improved. For example, panda "Yangyang" at the Atlanta Zoo in the United States successfully bred panda "Meilan" in 2006 through rectal massage and electrical stimulation sperm collection technology after natural mating failure and conventional electrical stimulation sperm collection failure.

    The frequency of electric stimulation for sperm collection in pandas is 1-3 times per year. This technology has been in use worldwide for 45 years. Since the application of conventional electrical stimulation sperm retrieval technology, no panda has been injured due to electrical stimulation sperm retrieval or artificial insemination.

    So, currently using "electric stimulation" for pandas sperm collection, rather than "electric shock" for sperm collection, is safe and harmless.

4. Do pandas need to be electrocuted to retrieve their eggs?

    After undergoing "electrical stimulation" for sperm retrieval, there is no need for "electric shock" for egg retrieval. The staff used artificial insemination to inject the collected semen into the reproductive tract of female giant pandas after appropriate treatment.

    However, pandas have a large body size and strong aggression in special circumstances, so they need to be anesthetized for sperm retrieval and artificial insemination to ensure the safety of both humans and animals.

5. The role of artificial insemination technology - its contribution to population genetic diversity

    The core of captive panda conservation is to protect its genetic diversity, which means that male giant pandas in the population provide genetic genes to ensure that their offspring have distant genetic relationships and improve the genetic richness of the population.

    After collecting panda semen, the genetic resources of pandas can be permanently preserved by freezing, and after thawing, they can be reused for artificial insemination, allowing female giant pandas that cannot mate naturally to produce offspring. This can effectively protect the genetic diversity of the population and the long-term survival and reproduction of the giant panda population.

Origin: iPanda

Translation: Chuan-X Panda



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