
目前显示的是 四月, 2024的博文

Bei Chen Panda, Sweet Panda

  Beichen, a male giant panda, was born on July 10, 2022 at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base. My mother is a panda named Beichuan. She was born in the wild in 2006 and was rescued on April 26, 2010 in Beichuan County, Sichuan Province. She later lived at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base. Dad is "Loulan" from Louguantai. During the newborn period, Beichen and his twin brother Beixia were born at the same time. Due to Beichuan's aggressive behavior towards the young, Xiaobeichen did not have the company of his mother from a young age, which made him more independent during his growth process. During its infancy, Beichen began to demonstrate its independence. Due to its not yet weaned and habit of sucking on its companion's nipples, it has to live alone, which makes it even more lonely than other pandas of the same age. During adolescence, Beichen began to live more independently. It began to learn to search for food, protect itself, and estab

In 2025, San Francisco Will Welcome New Giant Pandas

  On April 19th, the China Wildlife Conservation Association announced that in order to strengthen international cooperation in the protection of giant pandas, promote technological exchanges in giant panda protection, and improve the level of giant panda protection and management, the China Wildlife Conservation Association and the San Francisco Zoo in the United States signed a letter of intent for international cooperation in the protection of giant pandas in Beijing today. Both parties agree to maintain close communication, support each other, actively prepare for the early stage in accordance with the requirements and technical standards of international panda protection cooperation, and promote the formal signing of the cooperation agreement as soon as possible to ensure the arrival of one pair of giant pandas in San Francisco by 2025. See more at Chuan-X Panda

San Diego Zoo will be welcoming Panda Yun Chuan and Panda Xin Bao from China

  According to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration on April 27th, the China Wildlife Conservation Association and the San Diego Zoo in the United States have signed a cooperation agreement on giant panda conservation. They will choose a pair of giant pandas to go to the San Diego Zoo in the United States to start a 10-year international cooperation on giant panda conservation, namely Panda Yunchuan and Panda Xinbao. This is another pair of pandas sent to the San Diego Zoo, one of the world's five largest zoos, following the breeding of six giant pandas including "Huamei", "Meisheng", and "Baiyun", "Shishi", and "Gaogao". Panda Xin Bao In March, 2024, the China Wildlife Conservation Association organized experts to visit the United States to provide technical guidance and exchange with the San Diego Zoo on the cooperation of giant pandas, clarifying the standard requirements for panda breeding management, living enviro

Madrid Zoo is Welcoming Panda Jin Xi and Panda Zhu Yu

  At 11:25 am on April 29, 2024, pandas "Jin Xi" and "Zhu Yu" took off from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport on a special plane to Spain.      To ensure the health and safety of giant pandas during transportation, Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Base has made sufficient preparations, customized dedicated transport cages, and prepared sufficient fresh and high-quality bamboo and bamboo shoots. Accompanying keepers and veterinary experts will also monitor various indicators of the giant pandas during flight. After arriving at the Madrid Zoo, Chinese experts will stay for about 3 months to accompany the pandas through quarantine, complete stress adaptation and behavioral training, and help them quickly adapt to the new living environment. At the same time, they will also provide technical guidance and business training for the keepers and veterinarians of the Madrid Zoo.      In order to further promote international cooperation in the protection of giant pandas