San Diego Zoo will be welcoming Panda Yun Chuan and Panda Xin Bao from China

 According to the National Forestry and Grassland Administration on April 27th, the China Wildlife Conservation Association and the San Diego Zoo in the United States have signed a cooperation agreement on giant panda conservation. They will choose a pair of giant pandas to go to the San Diego Zoo in the United States to start a 10-year international cooperation on giant panda conservation, namely Panda Yunchuan and Panda Xinbao. This is another pair of pandas sent to the San Diego Zoo, one of the world's five largest zoos, following the breeding of six giant pandas including "Huamei", "Meisheng", and "Baiyun", "Shishi", and "Gaogao".

Panda Xin Bao

In March, 2024, the China Wildlife Conservation Association organized experts to visit the United States to provide technical guidance and exchange with the San Diego Zoo on the cooperation of giant pandas, clarifying the standard requirements for panda breeding management, living environment, health care, etc., to ensure the healthy living of the two pandas in the United States.

According to the agreement, both parties are actively promoting the preparation work for giant pandas to travel to the United States. The Chinese side has selected a pair of giant pandas named "Yunchuan" (male) and "Xinbao" (female) from the China Giant Panda Conservation and Research Center, and arranged experienced breeders and veterinarians to accompany the two pandas to the United States. Yunchuan, male, born in July 2019, has an outgoing and lively personality. Xinbao, female, born in July 2020, has an introverted personality and is gentle and alert.

Panda Yun Chuan

The US is renovating and upgrading the giant panda venue to create a larger and more comfortable living environment for the pandas. At the same time, the San Diego Zoo has equipped two giant pandas with a professional team that has studied and exchanged panda breeding management, daily care, and related scientific research technologies in China. Both is trying to repairing the friendship after panda Yaya's maltreat and returns.

See more at Chuan-X Panda



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