
目前显示的是 五月, 2024的博文

Are Panda Bears Dangerous?

Panda bears have black and white fur, a round head, big eyes, and a chubby body. The giant panda is China's national treasure and one of the most precious endangered species in the world. So, what is the temperament of panda bears? Are they dangerous or safe? Are they docile or ferocious? Are giant pandas dangerous? Are pandas aggressive?Let's find out together! Although giant pandas are carnivores, they mainly feed on bamboo and occasionally other plants or small animals. The digestive system of panda bears is not suitable for digesting bamboo, so they eat a large amount of bamboo every day, accounting for about 10% to 15% of their body weight. Because eating bamboo requires a lot of time and energy, giant pandas live at a slow pace and spend most of their time eating bamboo or sleeping. Panda bears are relatively solitary animals. They do not like contact with other animals or humans. They usually live alone in mountain forests except during mating season. Giant pandas have a

"520" - China's Valentine's Day, How Do Pandas Courtship?

     Today is May 20th, a unique Valentine's Day in China. "520" is a homophonic pronunciation of "I love you" in Chinese. Did you confess your love today? Do you know how pandas express love and courtship?Wild pandas compete for marriage, while captive pandas go on blind dates.      From March to May every year, it is the annual courtship period for giant pandas. During this period, captive giant pandas will hold a "blind date conference" arranged by the staff, while wild giant pandas will follow their instincts and independently search for their significant other. 1. Wild pandas transform into Kung Fu pandas to find their wives      From March to May every year, it is the annual "blind date ceremony" for wild giant pandas in the Qinling Mountains. At this time, giant pandas no longer move alone, but go far away to search for mates. Female giant pandas will compete to attract relatives. They leave their pheromones on the surrounding trees, t

How Do Giant Pandas Communicate?

Human communication relies on language, and animals also have their own ways of communication. Although giant pandas are not social animals, they also have their own way of communication. Today, I will introduce how giant pandas communicate with each other? 01. Odor marking Most communication among giant pandas is achieved through scent markers left in their habitats. They often use urine, or a mixture of urine and perianal gland secretions, for labeling. When giant pandas want to meet, it is usually the season of estrus (March May), and they will find each other through scent markers. They will also use their claws to scratch their marks on the tree trunk, in order to display their domain and identity. Odor markers play an important role in the survival and reproduction of giant pandas. They can help them find suitable mates, avoid inbreeding, maintain genetic diversity, and avoid unnecessary conflicts to protect their resources and safety. 02. Sound In addition to scent markers, gian

Why is breeding pandas difficult?

First, in the 20th century, the number of male giant pandas that could participate in breeding was rare. At that time, there were about 120 male pandas in China and abroad, and only one was able to participate in natural mating. Second, it is difficult for male pandas to come into estrus. Female pandas entering the breeding season in captivity can generally come into heat on a seasonal basis, but males are difficult to come into heat, and artificial insemination was also used as a supplementary method at that time. But female giant pandas can conceive only about three or four days in a year, and there are no obvious physiological characteristics. Therefore, in artificial insemination, it is difficult to accurately grasp their ovulation period. For example, in 1989, 18 female giant pandas were either artificially inseminated or mated naturally, some were even given both methods, but only 6 were conceived. Third, it is difficult for the cubs to survive. A newborn cub is only the size of

Panda Yang Yang's Health

 According to the Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, recently, the health issues of the giant panda "Yang Yang" located at the Atlanta Zoo in the United States have received attention and concern from panda fans. The Chengdu Panda Base sincerely thanks everyone for their care and support for the protection of giant pandas, and has communicated, exchanged, and guided with the Atlanta Zoo on the management and treatment of giant panda breeding and diseases. At present, "Panda Yang Yang" and "Panda Lun Lun" are in good health. The following is an explanation of the issues raised by fans about panda's spits white foam at the mouth. 1、 Panda Behavior "Yang Yang" spits white foam at the mouth? Giant pandas are prone to white foam around their mouths when they exercise or walk a lot. According to the joint confirmation of breeding and medical teams from both China and the United States, the white foam on the mouth of the panda "Yang Yang"

History of Giant Pandas

Q: When did the western world begin to know about giant pandas? A: March 11, 1869.   Q: Who was the first Westerner to discover giant pandas? What is his occupation? A: A Frenchman called Armand David. He was both a missionary and a taxidermist working for a museum.   Q: Who was the first to take a live giant panda out of China? Is she a zoologist? A: Her name is Ruth Harkness. She is neither a zoologist nor a zoo employee, but an American costume designer.   Q: Did Ruth name the captured panda cub "Su Lin"? A: Ruth mistook the panda cub as a female, so she named it after the wife of the Chinese accompanying her.   Q: How long did the first live giant panda live after it arrived in the United States? A: It lived in the United States for just over a year and died in April 1938.   Q: How were giant pandas discovered? A: When it comes to the "discovery" of the giant panda, the French missionary David must be mentioned. He believes that he discovered this "strange&