How Do Giant Pandas Communicate?

Human communication relies on language, and animals also have their own ways of communication. Although giant pandas are not social animals, they also have their own way of communication. Today, I will introduce how giant pandas communicate with each other?

01. Odor marking
Most communication among giant pandas is achieved through scent markers left in their habitats. They often use urine, or a mixture of urine and perianal gland secretions, for labeling.

When giant pandas want to meet, it is usually the season of estrus (March May), and they will find each other through scent markers. They will also use their claws to scratch their marks on the tree trunk, in order to display their domain and identity.

Odor markers play an important role in the survival and reproduction of giant pandas. They can help them find suitable mates, avoid inbreeding, maintain genetic diversity, and avoid unnecessary conflicts to protect their resources and safety.

02. Sound
In addition to scent markers, giant pandas also communicate through sound, such as the sounds of "squeaking" and "baa". After research and argumentation by experts, it has been found that the semantics of these sounds are very rich.

Giant pandas can produce over 10 different sounds, each with its own meaning. Follow Chuan-X Panda to learn more about them.

During the juvenile stage of giant pandas, their main vocal characteristic is moaning. Pronounces such as "squeak," "wow," and "guru," similar to the groans of human infants. A deep and gentle cry, indicating affection or comfort.

As they age, giant pandas are able to produce more and more sounds. When expressing mating intentions between males and females, a sheep cry "Mie~ Mie~" is emitted.

Therefore, giant pandas mainly communicate through language and odor markers in multiple ways.

See more at Chuan-X Panda



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